NGI Meetpunt: 31C03C1 - Brussels
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Marine Biologist
N 50° 50.201 E 004° 21.088
31U E 595162 N 5632533
This benchmark is an elevated planimetric point on the Palais de Justice in Brussels.
Waymark Code: WMNEX4
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date Posted: 03/02/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member dreamhummie
Views: 21

[DUTCH] Definitie planimetrie: Justitiepaleis; koepel; top as.

[ENGLISH] Definition planimetry: Palace of Justice; dome; top axis.

"Translated into English as literally the ‘Palace of Justice’; Belgium’s supreme court of law. It is situated in the uptown area of Saint Gilles, down the road from Avenue Louise in an area formally known as ‘gallows hill’. This location gives it a great panoramic view of the city below. Almost like a watch tower or a guardian. The design and building of this goliath court house was not without controversy.

Measuring 20,000 square metres, the building was designed by architect Joseph Poelaert, who died 4 years before its completion in 1883. The style is described as Assyro-Babylonian, a mixture of different styles. The building is about 3 times the size of the Royal Palace and was commissioned by Leopold II, one of the first Kings of Belgium; it took 20 years to complete and cost about $300 million in today’s terms.

The main controversy of the Palais de Justice was the fact that 3,000 homes in the Marolles-Sablon area had to be demolished to make way for it. The people of the area were so furious. In return they defiled the building on the day it was open to the public and the word ‘architect’ has become a derogatory term; ‘schieven architek’ (twisted architect).

From the outside the Palais de Justice is an immense grey building with columns and a large golden dome. A glass elevator at the end of a bridge takes you down into the Marolles, where the ‘peasant’ and ‘working-classes’ used to roam beneath the towering symbol of justice."

--Source: (visit link)
Reference of this Benchmark:
Poelaertplein 1
Brussels, Belgium

Type: Verheven punt

Lambert2008 X coordinates: 648,791.00

Lambert2008 Y coordinates: 669,583.00

Condition: Good

Visit Instructions:

The requirement for logging this Waymark will be at least shoot the most beautiful picture you are ever shot at the Benchmark point.

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