9-1 First Land Granted In Calhoun County Area
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Markerman62
N 33° 38.180 W 080° 42.339
17S E 527297 N 3721873
Located along Old Hwy 6 southeast of St. Matthews.
Waymark Code: WMNG4J
Location: South Carolina, United States
Date Posted: 03/09/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member jhuoni
Views: 5

George Sterling was granted 570 acres of land here on March 14, 1704. During the lifetime of his daughter, Mary Sterling Heatly Russell, the plantation was a stopping place for Indians and travelers on the Cherokee Path. The Rev. John Giessendanner held early religious services in the house (1750-1754).
Marker Name: First Land Granted in Calhoun County Area

Marker Location: Roadside

Type of Marker: Other

Marker number: 9-1

County: Calhoun

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Markerman62 visited 9-1 First Land Granted In Calhoun County Area 03/28/2015 Markerman62 visited it