Font, St.Peter & St.Paul's Church, High Street, Grays, Essex. RM17 6LN.
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N 51° 28.527 E 000° 19.332
31U E 314041 N 5706099
A C16th stone font at the east end of this large town church, in front of the chancel steps.
Waymark Code: WMNGPZ
Location: Eastern England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 03/13/2015
Views: 1
The church of St.Peter & St.Paul in Grays was largely rebuilt in 1846, but retains some older work, notably from the C13th in the north tower, the south doorway of the nave and internal arches.
The font is at the east end of the nave on the north side just before the chancel steps. It is C16th, of octagonal form with alternate floral and heraldic carvings in the eight panels. With a multi-chamfered top and bottom it sits on a pilastered column and chamfered base. The column has impressed carved lancets.
There is a carved wooden cover to the font showing Christ holding an infant and giving the blessing as a finial with the words: 'Suffer little / children to / come unto me / and forbid / them not for / of such is / the kingdom / of heaven' around the lowwer rim, each panel being carved as a trefoil.
The indicated co-ordinates are for the south porch.
Approximate Age of Artefact: C16th
 Relevant Website: Not listed

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