Oregon Trail
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Markerman62
N 42° 50.694 W 106° 22.508
13T E 387632 N 4744508
A Oregon Trail marker in Mills.
Waymark Code: WMNH1Y
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 03/15/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member JacobBarlow
Views: 5

Oregon Trail marked by the State of Wyoming 1914
Lieutenant Caspar W. Collins killed by Sioux Indians near this spot July 26, 1865.

Mills was an important area west of Casper on the Mormon and Oregon Trails.
Marker Name: Oregon Trail

Marker Type: City

Group Responsible for Placement: Ft. Caspar Chapter of D.A.R.

Date Dedicated: July 6, 1920

Web link(s) for additional information: [Web Link]

Addtional Information: Not listed

Marker Number: Not listed

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Please post a photo of you OR your GPS at the marker location. Also if you know of any additional links not already mentioned about this bit of Wyoming history please include that in your log.
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Markerman62 visited Oregon Trail 03/28/2015 Markerman62 visited it