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N 31° 39.870 W 083° 23.153
17R E 273794 N 3505722
On Jeff Davis Park Rd north of Irwinville at Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park.
Waymark Code: WMNJKW
Location: Georgia, United States
Date Posted: 03/24/2015
Views: 5
Jefferson Davis was made a prisoner of war at the close of the War Between the States. Richmond having fallen, the President of the Confederate States was seeking to reach remaining forces beyond the Mississippi. With his family and staff he made his last camp in a Georgia pine grove, May 9, 1865. At dawn of May 10, the camp was surrounded by two detachments of Federal Cavalry.
The camp site in the grove is now Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park.
Type of Marker: Other
 Marker #: 11 J-5
 Date: None
 Sponsor: Works Progress Administration

Visit Instructions:
Take a picture of the marker, yourself at the marker, your gps at the marker, or anything specific to the text on the marker. And don't forget to enjoy your visit.