726 Main Street - Masonic Doric Lodge #83 - Eudora, Ks.
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member iconions
N 38° 56.744 W 095° 05.925
15S E 318118 N 4312848
This two-story red brick building is located at 726 Main Street in Eudora, Ks.
Waymark Code: WMNKRV
Location: Kansas, United States
Date Posted: 03/30/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Four For All
Views: 1

From the Kansas Historical Resources Inventory:
(visit link)

"Residential/Commercial/Religious Style: Neoclassical
Physical Description/Remarks: Classical Revival
Plan Form: Rectangle
Commercial Building Type: Two-Part Commercial Block
Roof Form: Flat with Parapet
Stories: 2
Condition: Good
Principal Material: Brick
Architect/Designer/Builder: Unknown
Year of Construction: 1891
Certainty: Documented
Date Notes: The construction date is on the building front.
General Remarks: Top middle front above roof line has cornice with modillions, flanked by similar projection on either side. Beneath it, the date is noted in two circles (18 and 91) on either side of a recessed, wide arch. Side roof projections stair-step downward three times. Four, second-floor, narrow rectangular windows with front upstairs entrance on north and main entrance toward south. Five, narrow-arched windows with narrow stone sill surround on north; six on south; two in back; and all with topmost, double row of brick end ornamentation. Roof has downward, three stair-step form with two visible chimneys."
Marker Name: 724 Main Street - Masonic Doric Lodge #83

Marker Type: Other (Please identify in marker text)

Marker text:
Signage for historic buildings along Main Street was developed by the Eudora Area Historical Society in 2012. The marker is located on the left side of the building.
726 Main Street Masonic Doric Lodge #83
This building was completed in 1891 to serve as home for the Eudora branch of the Ancient Order of United Workers (Lodge #112). The Eudora branch of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons (Doric Lodge #83) started to meet at this location in the 1890's and eventually assumed ownership of the building. The Masons met on the second floor while renting the first floor to various businesses over the years, including barber shops and restaurants.

Marker Location: Douglas

Year Marker Placed: 01/01/2012

Name of agency setting marker: Other (Please identify in marker text)

Official Marker Number: Not listed

Marker Web Address: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Must log an original UNPHOTOSHOPPED picture of you or your GPSr at the marker. Please tell some background of what you learned or how you found the marker.
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