707 Main Street - Eudora, Ks.
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This one-story wooden-clad building is located at 707 Main Street in Eudora, Ks.
Waymark Code: WMNM1G
Location: Kansas, United States
Date Posted: 04/01/2015
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Four For All
Views: 3

From the Kansas Historic Resource Inventory:
(visit link)

"Historic Name:
State Bank of Eudora

Historic Function:

Financial Institution

Historic Function Remarks:
In 1873, an atlas shows a hotel owned by H. Raum here. A 1917 news item said the Ramm family had their home here until the State Bank (began 1892) was built. However, an 1899 item said Henry Ramm had been living in San Francisco since 1875, and a news story of the time said that Charles Pilla's warehouse stood here and was razed in 1897 to house the Eudora State Bank, which became the Home State Bank (1923-1927). Mention of a bank was made in an 1895 news items that said Josie Conner had bought out Mrs. Gus Ziesenis' share of a confectionery and ice cream parlor co-owned with Mary Ziesnenis. The store had opened in 1894 and was one door north of the bank.

The building is significant under Criterion A at the local level in the area of Commerce. In 1892, the building was known as the Willsdorf property and previously housed the Eudora post office. E.E. Wilson of Horton, Kansas founded the State Bank of Eudora in 1892 and had the building renovated to its current appearance. Charles Pilla, one of Eudora’s most prominent merchants, served as the bank’s president. Renovation of the building for Eudora’s first bank provided a physical representation of the town’s growth, stability and enterprise.
The Eudora State Bank failed in 1923 and the building was reportedly sold to the Home State Bank and later the Kaw Valley State Bank. Following its use as a bank building, 707 Main continued as a home to local businesses in downtown Eudora. The building has housed offices for an attorney, hair salon, chiropractor and other enterprises.

Present Function:
Vacant/Not in Use

Present Function Remarks:
The building is currently vacant. It has housed a land survey office (2009) Suzanne Ashley Alterations and Other Wonders (2003-2006), Noggins (beauty salon) (late 1990s), [Trisha Lemmons'] Lasting Impressions beauty salon (1996), Jack Murphy's law offices, Michael Anderson's law office (circa 1991), [Mrs. Ken Lawson] beauty salon, [Carol Fulks'] Carol's Beauty Shop (1966-1982), Emma Jean (Miner) Ellis hair salon (circa 1965), Miller & Midyett Real Estate (1963 and, for a couple of years, Clarence William watchmaker (circa 1950s), Abbott's Café (circa 1952), and Bea Wilson hair salon (1941-1951), and George Wolf's dentist office (circa 1937).

Residential/Commercial/Religious Style:

Secondary Style:
Queen Anne

Physical Description/Remarks:
The State Bank of Eudora building is a brick, one-story building located on the west side of Main Street in Eudora’s historic downtown.
The building is dominated by an ornate metal cornice on its east façade. The lower portion of the chamfered façade is currently clad in modern wood. Two central modern windows and a modern metal door in the northeast portion of the façade are topped by a wood awning and boarded over transoms. The metal cornice rises an additional half story and contains molded pilasters separating the three sections. Each section contains raised panels, chamfered molding and is topped by a pediment eith a finial. The north and south walls have stone foundations and brick walls with parapets. The south wall contains no windows. The north wall contains three narrow windows with stone sills and arched brick headers. The rear west wall has a central downsized doorway and a south window matching the windows on the north wall. Wood stairs lead to the rear doorway. A concrete half wall extends from the rear of the north wall. The interior of the building has been modernized for recent tenants. The space includes a suspended ceiling and lighting, modern wood paneling or plaster walls and wall-to-wall carpet. The east portion of the space contains desk surrounded by a half wall along the north wall and two office spaces along the south wall. The west portion of the interior is sectioned off by a historic wall containing an original door. The interior of the room is clad in modern paneling and plaster board.

Plan Form:

Commercial Building Type:
One-Part Commercial Block

Roof Form:
Flat with Parapet



Principal Material:

Condition Remarks:
The north wall has three narrow arched windows. The south wall has no windows. Walls are brick and the foundation is stone. The facade is modern wood with a metal parapet. According to a 1913 photograph, the bank originally had glass display windows and a glass door. These features are no longer extant. The vault constructed for the building is also gone. Historic finishes may be present under modern interior alterations.


Year of Construction:
Marker Name: 707 Main Street

Marker Type: Other (Please identify in marker text)

Marker text:
This marker is on the right side of the building - near the left hand side of the entrance. Signage for historic buildings along Main Street was developed by the Eudora Area Historical Society in 2012. Text of the marker:
This building was renovated to its current appearance in 1892 when it became home to the Eudora State Bank. This unique building contains a large, ornate metal cornice on its exterior facing Main Street. The Eudora State Bank remained at this location until the 1920's. Other businesses at this location included hair salons, a watch-maker, dentistry and law offices. In 2012 it became the second structure in Eudora to be listed on the Kansas Register of Historic Places.

Marker Location: Douglas

Year Marker Placed: 01/01/2012

Name of agency setting marker: Other (Please identify in marker text)

Official Marker Number: Not listed

Marker Web Address: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Must log an original UNPHOTOSHOPPED picture of you or your GPSr at the marker. Please tell some background of what you learned or how you found the marker.
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