Dickinson Park – Orange City, Florida
N 28° 56.915 W 081° 17.925
17R E 470887 N 3202325
Located at 120 E Graves Avenue, a quiet setting provides users with tables for picnics or reading. Park benches are centered around the park’s gazebo and two water fountains.
Waymark Code: WMP19V
Location: Florida, United States
Date Posted: 06/08/2015
Views: 9
Located at 120 E Graves Avenue, leased to the City by the Village Improvement Association, this one acre park is adjacent to the Dickinson Memorial Library. A quiet setting provides users with tables for picnics or reading. Park benches are centered around the park’s gazebo and two water fountains. A drinking water fountain is available in the Graves Avenue median adjacent to the park. This facility is also used for various City and community events, including monthly Movie in the Park events. No public restrooms or grills are available.
The park is located on the corner of East Graves Avenue and U.S. Hwy 17-92. It contains tables and park benches around a gazebo and two water fountains. Every Friday from 8 AM to 1 PM you can find a farmer's market located in the park, with a wide selection of fruits, vegetables, plants, baked goods and other great items. The park is also used for various City and community events including an annual summer music in the park program On February 8, 1995, it was added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
Name: Not listed
Street Location: Not listed
Local Municipality: Not listed
State/Province, etc.: Not listed
Country: Not listed
Web Site: Not listed
Memorial/Commemoration: Not listed
Date Established: Not listed
Picnic Facilities: Not listed
Recreational Facilities: Not listed
Monuments/Statues: Not listed
Art (murals/sculpture, etc.): Not listed
Fountains: Not listed
Ponds/Lakes/Streams/Rivers/Beach: Not listed
Special Events: Not listed
Traditional Geocaches: Not listed
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