Turmstation Berg - Berg, Rheinland-Pfalz/Germany
N 50° 33.240 E 006° 56.665
32U E 354388 N 5602247
Der Waymark führt euch zu einem weiß getünchen Trafoturm im kleinen Eifelörtchen Berg.
Waymark Code: WMPQHQ
Location: Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Date Posted: 10/08/2015
Views: 7
Der schmale Turm ist komplett aus Backstein gemauert und steht direkt an der Durchfahrtsstrasse. Es sind noch Freileitungen aktiv.
Status: Active
Creation date: Not listed
Current use: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
To post a visit log for waymarks in this category, you must have personally visited the waymark location. When logging your visit, please provide a note describing your visit experience, along with any additional information about the waymark or the surrounding area that you think others may find interesting.
We especially encourage you to include any pictures that you took during your visit to the waymark. You do not have to be in the picture, neither does your GPSr.