Bordesholmer Linde, SH, Germany
Posted by: EDTA
N 54° 10.616 E 010° 00.688
32U E 566018 N 6003679
[DE] Diese ca. 700 Jahre alte Linde ist einer der ältesten Bäume in Schleswig Holstein.
[ENG] This about 700 year old lime tree is one of the oldest trees in Schleswig Holstein.
Waymark Code: WMPWPB
Location: Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Date Posted: 10/31/2015
Views: 9
[DE] Die Bordesholmer Linde wurde wahrscheinlich in der Zeit der Klostergründung vor 650 - 700 Jahren gepflanzt. Der Baum ist Teil des Wappens von Bordesholm. Jedes Jahr findet hier das Thing-Gericht statt. Der Baum hat in letzter Zeit unter Krankheiten und Umwelteinflüssen gelitten, was ein Eingreifen erforderlich machte. Drei Äste wurden abgestützt und ein Teil der Krone entfernt um die Regeneration zu ermöglichen.
1873 wurde eine Tafel an der Linde angebracht.
Vom Parkplatz aus kann man den Baum in nördlicher Richtung auf der anderen Seite der Straße erreichen.
[ENG] The Bordesholmer Linde was probably planted in the time of monastery foundation 650 - 700 years ago. The tree is part of the coat of arms of Bordesholm. Every year the Thing-court takes place here. The tree has suffered lately from diseases and environmental influences, which made intervention necessary. Three branches are supported by steel and a portion of the crown away by to allow the regeneration.
1873 board was attached at the Bordesholmer Linde.
From the parking are you can reach the tree in a northerly direction on the other side of the road.
Genus/Species: Winter-Linde (Tilia cordata)
Height: 59
Girth: 20
Method of obtaining height: Reliable source
Method of obtaining girth: Reliable source
Location type: Other public property
Age: 700
Website reference: [Web Link]
Parking coordinates: N 54° 10.606 E 010° 00.672
Walk time: 1
Historical significance: Not listed
Planter: Not listed
Photograpy coordinates: Not Listed
Visit Instructions:
A closeup picture of your GPS receiver in your hand, with the tree in the background, is required. If the tree is on private property, this closeup photograph with the tree in the background may be taken from the nearest public vantage point without actually going to the tree.
The required photograph does not need to show the entire tree, but the individual tree must be recognizable.