Piscinas & Sedilia - St Ethelbert - Hessett, Suffolk
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 13.238 E 000° 50.059
31U E 352065 N 5787787
Two piscinas and a stepped sedilia in the south wall of St Ethelbert's church, Hessett.
Waymark Code: WMRANY
Location: Eastern England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 06/01/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dragontree
Views: 1

The 14th piscina in the chancel has an ogee hoodmould with crocketing, but almost reconstructed in the 19th century. Beside it is a stepped sedilia.
In the south aisle is a 14th century cusped and ogee-headed piscina below one of Suffolk's finest representations of St Barbara.
Approximate Age of Artefact: Not listed

Relevant Website: Not listed

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