Baptism Font - St. Margaret - Crick, Northamptonshire
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 20.840 W 001° 08.276
30U E 626834 N 5801303
A Norman font in St Margaret's church, Crick.
Waymark Code: WMRZR3
Location: East Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 08/30/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dragontree
Views: 0

"Norman font is pretty well unique. Its bowl is decorated with three rows of circular motifs. At the rim it has a zig zag moulding executed with a certain amount of geometric skill that is lacking on many Norman fonts. It is supported on three monster figures, their backs bent with the strain. The motif of evil monsters bent to the service of God is a very popular device in Italy. Crick is not one of the spectacular Norman fonts, but in many ways it embodies the joy of Norman fonts: essentially most are what we would today call “One of a Kind”. There are some distinctive styles, such as those produced by the Herefordshire School, and there are some distinctive themes such as Christ and the Apostles, but most seem to have come straight from the imaginations of the individual carvers. And here many of them sit 1000 years later admired and cherished, having been at the centre of village life for generation after generation."

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Approximate Age of Artefact: Not listed

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