Starbucks - The Waterfront - Homestead, PA
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member stinger503
N 40° 24.454 W 079° 55.029
17T E 591881 N 4473558
Starbucks at the Waterfront
Waymark Code: WMV2TK
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Date Posted: 02/13/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member QuarrellaDeVil
Views: 0

This Starbucks is located at The Waterfront shopping plaza. Located in the center of the square, it looks to be modeled after a train station. They offer La Boulange, Verismo System, and Over-Warmed Food. They also have patio seating in the summer months.
Hours of Operation:
Monday 5:30AM–9PM Tuesday 5:30AM–9PM Wednesday 5:30AM–9PM Thursday 5:30AM–9PM Friday 5:30AM–10:30PM Saturday 6:30AM–10:30PM Sunday 6:30AM–8PM

Physical Address:
The Waterfront, 270 West Bridge St, West Homestead, PA 15120, USA

Wifi Access: Not listed

Relative Size & Amenities:
Smaller Size

Food and/or Lunch Available:
Offer Oven-Warmed Food

Review: Not listed

Drive-Thru: Not listed

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