Sedilia and Piscina - St Mary's Church, Church Road, North Creake, Norfolk, NR21 9JJ
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member greysman
N 52° 54.296 E 000° 45.323
31U E 349042 N 5864053
Sumptuous, but considered over-restored by some writers.
Waymark Code: WMV7DP
Location: Eastern England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 03/08/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dragontree
Views: 0

This large parish church is Grade I listed and in size more akin to inner city churches. It consists of a chancel, a south porch and south door, c.1300, and a nave, north aisle, and west tower, C15th, and is built of knapped and rubble flint with stone dressings and has lead roofs. There is a Brass in the church of a civilian holding a church as its donor. This is possibly Sir William Calthorpe who claimed in his will (1495) to have rebuilt the church, giving a possible date for the clerestorey and roofs. The church was restored in 1897 by Frederick Preedy, architect, at the bequest of Bishop Lloyd, Rector 1894-1903. Hicks and Charlewood of Newcastle on Tyne made the elaborate carved and painted altar and reredos, and the Decorated style oak carved rood screen.

The Decorated four-bay chancel is associated with a date of 1301 recorded in a no longer extant east window inscription to William Careltone : "construxit hunc cancellum Anno Domini MCCCI". 'He built the window, AD 1301'. Here also is a fine but over-restored south side three-seater sedilia and piscina from the mid-C14th, it has ogee-headed arches, corbels, crocketing and painted diapering in red on the rear wall and painted decoration in red and blue on the inside of the arches.

Approximate Age of Artefact: mid C14th

Relevant Website: Not listed

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