Bunbury Railway Station (former) - Bunbury, Western Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member blingg
S 33° 19.458 E 115° 38.321
50H E 373293 N 6311933
The former Bunbury Railway Station is now the city's Tourist Bureau
Waymark Code: WMVF9K
Location: Western Australia, Australia
Date Posted: 04/11/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Grahame Cookie
Views: 0

The former station was constructed in the Federation Free Classical style in 1905 to replace the wooden station opened in 1894 and burnt down on December 5th 1904. On 25th of May 1985, Bunbury Railway Station received train passengers for the last time. The station was transferred to the City of Bunbury and the building was converted into the Bunbury Tourist Bureau, bus terminal and cafe.
List: Register of the National Estate

Place ID: 17499

Place File No: 5/02/045/0030

URL database reference: [Web Link]



Year built: 1905

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jinta29 visited Bunbury Railway Station (former) - Bunbury, Western Australia 01/04/2019 jinta29 visited it