Trafotower Gut Unterdickt - Bad Münstereifel - NRW / Germany
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Iris & Harry
N 50° 33.219 E 006° 52.717
32U E 349726 N 5602339
Trafotower in a good condition
Waymark Code: WMW0HM
Location: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Date Posted: 06/22/2017
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member T0SHEA
Views: 2

Near the Gut Unterdickt you will find this old trafotower which is made completely from brickstones.
There are no overhead lines mounted anymore.
At the door we could not find informations about the electricy company or the official name of the station.
Status: Don't know

Creation date: Not listed

Current use: Not listed

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