Beckner Building - Buffalo, Missouri
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member vulture1957
N 37° 38.593 W 093° 05.541
15S E 491852 N 4166234
Historical marker for the only brick building in Buffalo Missouri to survive the Civil War. 100 East Commercial Street, Buffalo MO 65622, United States of America.
Waymark Code: WMXRGK
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 02/19/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
Views: 4

Marker is at the intersection of Commercial Street and Maple Street (Missouri Route 73), on the right when traveling east on Commercial Street.


Built in 1848 A.D. by Levi Beckner this is the only brick building to survive the Civil War.
It housed mercantile, newspaper, the first bank 1884-1910, abstract, cafe, and insurance businesses.
Dallas County Historical Society 1982

Web link: [Web Link]

History of Mark: Not listed

Additional point: Not Listed

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