Eglise Saint Barthelemy - Grandjean, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member sara et gege
N 45° 52.620 W 000° 36.416
30T E 685708 N 5083165
l'eglise de Grandjean
Waymark Code: WMY2JH
Location: Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Date Posted: 04/08/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Marine Biologist
Views: 7

The St. Bartholomew's Church seems to have three or even four construction campaigns. The oldest is probably that during which the current nave was built.
The building would have been remodeled in the second half of the twelfth century, when the bedside, the west facade and the west span of the nave and the lower part of the bell tower were rebuilt. The choir was vaulted with ogives at a later time. The upper part of the bell tower, pierced by semicircular arches, seems to date only from the classical period; but these are only suppositions due to the lack of known historical archives on this building.
The church belongs to a family of buildings quite common in Saintonge, characterized by its small dimensions with long and narrow proportions and the arrangement of its interior space. The choir opening directly on the nave; this one, unlike the single two-span apse later covered with rib vaults with eight ribs, was never vaulted. It is simply covered with a frame with four chevrons, bearing firm. Its walls are pierced by small semicircular windows, except for the first bay which contains, inside, on the reverse side of the western facade, two truncated columns; here, a more elaborate window confined to columns with bare capitals, above which molded cords start singles it out.
The problem of the belfry was solved by the addition, along the south wall of the dome, of a powerful square massive pierced in its upper part of semicircular windows.
Its communication with the most western span of the choir is done only through a small door and it consists, on the ground floor, of a single room of square plan, vaulted of a modest cradle .
The rectangular bedside, chanted with large arches is remarkable.

L’église Saint-Barthélemy semble, compter trois, voire quatre campagnes de construction. La plus ancienne est sans doute celle pendant laquelle la nef actuelle fut construite.
Le bâtiment aurait été remanié dans la seconde moitié du XIIe siècle, lorsque l’on réédifia le chevet, la façade occidentale ainsi que la travée ouest de la nef et la partie basse du clocher. Le chœur fut voûté d’ogives à une époque plus tardive. La partie haute du clocher, percé d’arcatures en plein cintre, ne semble dater que de l’époque classique ; mais ce sont là que des suppositions dues au manque d’archives historiques connues sur cet édifice.
L’église appartient à une famille d’édifices assez répandue en Saintonge, caractérisée par ses petites dimensions aux proportions longues et étroites et l’agencement de son espace intérieur. Le chœur ouvrant directement sur la nef ; celle-ci, à la différence de l’abside unique à deux travées couverte plus tardivement de voûtes d’ogives à huit nervures, n’a jamais été voûtée. Elle est simplement couverte d’une charpente à quatre chevrons, portant ferme. Ses murs sont percés de petites baies en plein cintre, excepté la première travée qui comporte, à l’intérieur, au revers de la façade occidentale, deux colonnes tronquées ; ici, une fenêtre plus travaillée cantonnée de colonnes à chapiteaux nus au-dessus desquels partent des cordons moulurés la singularise.
Le problème du clocher a été résolu par l’adjonction, le long du mur gouttereau sud, d’un puissant massif carré percé dans sa partie supérieure de baies en plein cintre.
Sa communication avec la travée la plus occidentale du chœur ne se fait que par l’intermédiaire d’une petite porte et il se compose, au rez-de-chaussée, d’une seule salle de plan carré, voûté d’un modeste berceau.
Le chevet rectangulaire, scandé de grandes arcatures est remarquable.

geocache : (visit link)
Date the Church was built, dedicated or cornerstone laid: 01/01/1200

Age of Church building determined by?: Other reliable source

If denomination of Church is not part of the name, please provide it here: catholic

Street address of Church:
13 rue principale
Grandjean, Poitou Charentes france

Primary website for Church or Historic Church Building: [Web Link]

If Church is open to the public, please indicate hours: Not listed

If Church holds a weekly worship service and "all are welcome", please give the day of the week: Not listed

Indicate the time that the primary worship service is held. List only one: Not Listed

Secondary Website for Church or Historic Church Building: Not listed

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1) A photo of the church is required for visits to a waymark.

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3) Additional photos are encouraged. If you can have information in addition to that already provided about this church, please share it with us.

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sara et gege visited Eglise Saint Barthelemy - Grandjean, France 06/25/2018 sara et gege visited it