Samuel Shrewsbury House
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member dukemartin
N 38° 14.261 W 081° 32.631
17S E 452405 N 4232326
A quick description of the construction of the Shrewsbury House.
Waymark Code: WMY2T0
Location: West Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 04/09/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member razalas
Views: 1

Samuel Shrewsbury House

House built circa 1810 by Samuel Shrewsbury *1763~1835) on 704 acre tract of land received from Colonel John Dickinson. Sandstone and hewn hardwood logs used in construction were obtained locally from the land. Shrewsbury, a revolutionary soldier, and his family, moved here in 1798 from Bedford County, Virginia. He and his brother John became active with Dickinson in the slat industry.
Marker Number: None on sign

Marker Title: Samuel Shrewsbury House

Marker Location: Rt 60

County or Independent City: Belle, WV

Web Site: [Web Link]

Marker Program Sponsor: West Virginia Archives and History, 2008

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