Baptism Font - St Peter - Knossington, Leicestershire
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 40.207 W 000° 49.039
30U E 647585 N 5837811
13th century font in St Peter's church, Knossington.
Waymark Code: WMZ0EG
Location: East Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 08/20/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Math Teacher
Views: 0

The font, which probably dates from the early 13th century, consists of a curious bulbous bowl with four attached shafts carved to its shape. The bowl is supported on a circular stem and four circular shafts, the latter were replaced by red marble sometime in the 19th century. Both the stem and shafts have moulded bases.
Approximate Age of Artefact: Not listed

Relevant Website: Not listed

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