St.-Michaelstor / Weißer Turm - Brixen, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member kaschper69
N 46° 42.989 E 011° 39.469
32T E 703124 N 5177089
Historische Schilder über das St.-Michaelstor und Weißer Turm in Brixen.
Waymark Code: WMZ0WP
Location: Trentino–Alto Adige, Italy
Date Posted: 08/23/2018
Views: 5

[DE] "St.-Michaelstor

Bis in 17. Jh. wichtigster Stadtzugang an der Verbindung der Brenner- und Pustertalerstraße. Außenfassade mit typischem Polygonalerker, Fresken aus dem 16. Jh."

"Weißer Turm

Um 1300 erbaut, gotische Glockenstube (1459), achteckiger, gemauerter Helm (1591), Wahrzeichen der Stadt, 72 m hoch."

Historische Schilder

[IT] "Porta di S.Michele

Porta urbana Orientale, fino al XVII secolo principale accesso alle strada della Pusteria e del Brennero. Facciata esterna con tipico Erker poligonale. Sulla faciata interna affreschi del sec. XVI."

"Torre Bianca

Campanile del inizio sec.XIV. Cella campanaria gotica (1459), cuspide ottagonale in muratura (1591), simbolo della città, m 72."

Segni storici

[EN] "St Michael's Gate

Until the 17th century the most important access to the city at the connection of the Brenner and Pustertaler roads. Exterior façade with typical polygonal bay window, 16th century frescoes."

"White Tower

Built around 1300, Gothic belfry (1459), octagonal brick helmet (1591), city landmark, 72 m high."

Historical signs
Group that erected the marker: Town Brixen

Address of where the marker is located. Approximate if necessary:

URL of a web site with more information about the history mentioned on the sign: Not listed

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kaschper69 visited St.-Michaelstor / Weißer Turm - Brixen, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy 08/23/2018 kaschper69 visited it

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