Knot Hedge Beech, Vechmaal, Heers, Limburg, Belgium
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member TeamYakara
N 50° 45.570 E 005° 21.814
31U E 666696 N 5625744
Two Knotting Hedge Breech
Waymark Code: WMZ6P5
Location: Limburg, Belgium
Date Posted: 09/19/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 0

At the Bellefroid farm there are two truncated hornbeams, the wood of which was used for timber. The circumference of the southern tree is 224 cm and of the northern tree is 201 cm. The trees are also located adjacent to the square in front of the Sint-Pieterskapel van Heurne.
Genus/Species: Carpinus Betulus

Height: 80

Girth: 8

Method of obtaining height: Reliable source

Method of obtaining girth: Reliable source

Location type: Other public property

Historical significance:
Knotting tree for making tools for farming

Website reference: [Web Link]

Photograpy coordinates: N 50° 45.562 E 005° 21.819

Age: Not Listed

Planter: Not listed

Parking coordinates: Not Listed

Walk time: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
A closeup picture of your GPS receiver in your hand, with the tree in the background, is required. If the tree is on private property, this closeup photograph with the tree in the background may be taken from the nearest public vantage point without actually going to the tree.
The required photograph does not need to show the entire tree, but the individual tree must be recognizable.
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