Piscina and Sedilia - St John the Evangelist - Shenton, Leicestershire
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 35.971 W 001° 25.819
30U E 606310 N 5828878
A piscina and single seat sedilia in the chancel of St John the Evangelist church, Shenton.
Waymark Code: WMZYY7
Location: East Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 01/26/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dragontree
Views: 0

A piscina and single seat sedilia in the south wall of thechancel of St John the Evangelist church, Shenton. It probably dates fron the construction of the church in 1861.

"St John the Evangelist, was completed in 1861 on the site of a much older and more modest building, described as two aisles with a house roof. The current church was designed by the Rev H J Wollaston, whose family contributed substantially to the construction. The architect was W H Knight from Cheltenham.

The stone used is mainly Sydnope stone from Derbyshire dressed with Bath stone, although stone from the old church was used in the internal walls. The oak comes from Chedworth Wood in Gloucestershire and the slates from Colyweston in Northamptonshire. All the stonework and building was done by Haddons of Atherstone whilst the woodwork is the work of James William Sands, the Shenton estate carpenter.

The organ was donated by Mrs A Wollaston in 1887 to replace the harmonium. Repair work was required in 1875 whilst in 1879 the west wall of the tower was removed and rebuilt. Admiral Arburthnot, who was present at the Battle of Trafalgar and who married one of the Wollaston family’s daughters, is buried in the grounds."

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Approximate Age of Artefact: Not listed

Relevant Website: Not listed

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