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Fiberglass Horses allows ratings

by:  Fiberglass Horses Managers 

Horse statues have found a place for themselves in lively little corners of plush living rooms or a stately office of golf playing executives. A wide variety and forms of horse statues are available throughout the world e.g. horse busts, chariots, lamps war horses with a bridle, horse tables, wall decor etc. Statues depicting a farm horse or a racehorse in fiberglass are a favourite amongst horse-lovers too. This is the place for uniquely painted or decorated fiberglass horses in your community


Newspaper Headquarters allows ratings

by:  Newspaper Editors 

With the increased exposure of internet news and bloggers, more and more newspapers are going out of business. Some are just converting to internet only subscriptions. Our goal is to waymark their headquarters before they become a thing of the past. You may also include other news print organizations. If you want to post your local televison or radio station, there are already waymark categories for those.


Nautical Flag Poles allows ratings

by:  Nautical Flag Poles 

Flag poles made in the style of a ship's mast.


Wagon Wheels

by:  Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' 

Wagon wheels used as decorations, on fences, on gates, or even with the heads of dead cows.


Arby's Restaurants allows ratings

by:  We're Thinkin' Arby's 

Any arby's restaurant location around the world will be waymarked here.


Indoor Malls allows ratings

by:  Malls lot and lots of malls 

A category to waymark indoor shopping malls.


Renaissance Architecture allows ratings

by:  Renaissance Musketeers 

Your mission if you choose to accept it, is to find either an original Renaissance (not pseudo-/neo-Renaissance) building or structure to post in this category.


Maryland Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Maryland Historic Markers 

Historic markers have been a familiar sight on Maryland's roads and highways for more than half a century. The roadside historic marker program has proven an effective way to draw attention to the many events, people and places that have contributed to the richness of our state. There are hundreds of these along Maryland's roadways! This category is for locating and waymarking these markers!


Historic Forts allows ratings

by:  Fort Guardians 

Forts that served man in "War and Peace" can be found all around the world. -The aim of this category is to find and log the many Forts that remain intact or have been restored.


Made for the Millennium

by:  Millennium Managers 

To find all those things that were made to commemorate the Millennium in 2000. Anything with a specific Millennium plaque can be included.


Belgium Monument Registers

by:  Belgium Historical Markers 

[ENG] Record monuments, properties, and protected sites in Belgium and normally marked with an official logo [FR] Publier les monuments, propriétés et zones protégées en Belgique et pourvu normalement d’un logo officiel [NL] Publiceer de monumenten, eigendommen en beschermde gebieden in België en normaal voorzien van een officieel logo [DE] Veröffentlichen Sie die Denkmäler, Grundstücke und Schutzgebiete in Belgien und normalerweise auch ein offizielles Logo enthalten


Antique Hotels allows ratings

by:  Antique Hotels Managers 

An Antique Hotel is an Hotel of a certain age (see additional information for definition). This category wants to waymark Antique Hotels all around the world.


Public Swimming Pools allows ratings

by:  Lifeguards 

We are looking for all those Public Swimming Pools out there to help you cool off during these dog days of summer.


Outdoor Recreation Stores allows ratings

by:  Outdoor Recreation Stores 

Category Created to document stores and businesses that cater to the outdoor enthusiast.


Bed and Breakfast allows ratings

by:  Wayfarers of the World 

Bed and Breakfast accomodations around the world


Ontario Heritage Properties allows ratings

by:  Ontario Heritage Property Guardians 

Ontario maintains the Ontario Heritage Properties database which provides a great resource for locating buildings and structures of heritage value all across Ontario. The objectives of this category are to waymark properties listed in this database and comment on the site, its history and any changes you observed from the published description.


Colorado Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Colorado Historical Markers 

Any legitimate historic marker commemorating a historical event located inside the state of Colorado can be listed in this category. This includes markers placed by historical societies, counties, cities, federal agencies, Native American groups and other civic groups. Please click on "show additional information" below to see requirements for posting in this category.


Abraham Lincoln

by:  Abraham Lincoln 

Locations of places and objects directly related to the life, accomplishments, and events of America's sixteenth President, Abraham Lincoln.


U.S. Revolutionary War Memorials allows ratings

by:  American Patriots 

Memorials and monuments honoring those who fought in the United States Revolutionary War, also known as the War of Independence.


Human Migration Monuments

by:  Human migration 

This category is to Waymark monuments to Human migration and pay homage to all human beings who for one reason or another had to migrate and face the difficulties associated to build a new home away from home.


Buddhist Temples and Public Shrines allows ratings

by:  Buddhist Temples 

A Buddhist temple is a place of devotion, worship and meditation for all Buddhists. The Buddhist Temples and Public Shrines category is a place to record the locations of Buddhist Temples and Public Shrines around the world.


Self Guided Walks and Trails

by:  The Walkabouts 

The purpose of this Category is to document Self Guided Walks and Trails as described below.


River Origins, Destinations and Confluences allows ratings

by:  River Rats 

Locate the ORIGIN (headwaters), DESTINATION (mouth) and CONFLUENCES of rivers and streams.


A + W Restaurants allows ratings

by:  The Frosties 

Find and waymark as many old and new "A&W Restaurant" locations as possible.


Denny's Restaurants

by:  Breakfast Lovers 

To record approximately 1,500 Denny's restaurant locations throughout the world.

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