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UNESCO Geoparks and Biosphere Reserves

by:  UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks 

The mission of this category is to locate and document all worldwide Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks designated by UNESCO. This can help to increase awareness of these reserves and promote education about the conservation of our environment.


Inline Hockey Rinks

by:  Puckersmashers 

Inline hockey is a variation of roller hockey very similar to ice hockey, from which it is derived. The game is played by two teams, consisting of four skaters and one goalie, on a dry rink divided into two halves by a center line, with one net at each end of the rink.


Wax Museums allows ratings

by:  waxy 

A category to waymark wax museums around the world.


Ansel Adams Photo Hunt allows ratings

by:  Ansel Adams Photo Hunt Managers 

This category is an attempt to document the exact photographic locations that brought us the photos of the great photographer, Ansel Adams.


Big Brothers Big Sisters

by:  Big Brothers Big Sisters 

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help children reach their potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with mentors that have a measurable impact on youths. The organization currently operates in all 50 United States and in 13 other countries around the world, including Australia, Austria, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, and South Africa.


Bat Boxes

by:  Bats in the Belfry 

Bat Boxes, whether mounted on a building, a tree in the forest, or free standing in a field, are man made structures intended to afford bats the chance to survive and reproduce.


Martello Towers allows ratings

by:  Martello Towers  

The Irish coastline is dotted with the famous Martello Towers, small round towers with flat roofs. These towers were designed and built as lookout posts during the Napoleonic Wars.


Michigan Centennial Farms

by:  Michigan Centennial Farms 

Photograph and Waymark Michigan Centennial Farms, and Their Markers.


Cable Skiing and Wakeboarding

by:  Cableways 

A Cableway is used to practice towed water sports such as Water Ski, Wakeboarding, or others. Instead of being pulled by a boat the user is pulled by a cable suspended above water in a specifically designed pylons. The Cableways can be used either for people with experience or without experience and are extremely fun to ride.


Time Signals

by:  The Keepers of Time 

The purpose and goal of this category is to discover, document, and preserve the memory of "Time Balls", "Time Cannons", and "Time Flaps". These now obsolete devices were used in the 19th and early 20th century as public time markers.


Rolling Ball Sculpture allows ratings

by:  Ball Rollers 

Rolling Ball Sculptures, also known as Kinetic Sculptures or Gravitram Sculptures, mainly rely on gravity and one motor to move balls around the track in a varying and intricate pattern. Some include audio, water, or time keeping components.


Bismarck Towers allows ratings

by:  Bismarck Towers 

Bismarck Towers are a unique German monument genre, to honor the ex-chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Approximately 250 of these towers were built between the German unification and the National Socialist takeover, between 1869 and 1934. They were built in various styles, on four continents (Australia, South America, Africa and Europe). Of those 250 about 170 remain.


Entertainment Awards allows ratings

by:  Entertainment Awards 

This category is designed to waymark entertainment industry awards that are on permanent public display. Such installations typically feature special pedestals, lighting, graphics, and so on.


Vortexes, Mystery Spots, and Gravity Hills allows ratings

by:  Murphy's Law of Physics 

Water running uphill. Disorienting natural optical illusions. Unexplained violations of the laws of physics mark these odd geographic locations where gravity is just a guideline and nothing is what it seems. It's physics gone wild.


Soroptimist International Markers

by:  Matriarchal Advocates 

This category's mission is to waymark the monuments, plaques and any other public marker placed by Soroptimist International members worldwide.


Bungee Jump Sites allows ratings

by:  HighJumpers 

A place where adventurers take a leap of faith into the Unknown with nothing but some elastic cord attached.


Whispering Giant Sculptures allows ratings

by:  Whispering to Giants 

Whispering Giants are a series of public art sculptures depicting Native Americans and Canadian First People by Peter Wolf Toth. He has donated a sculpture to each U.S. state and Canadian Province with a few donated outside North America.


Battery Powered Personal Transport Rentals

by:  Battery Powered Personal Transport Rentals 

The mission of the "Battery Powered Personal Transport Rentals" is to locate businesses where the general public can rent a personal transports.


Lighthouse Passport Stamps allows ratings

by:  Lighthouse Stamper Seekers 

This category seeks the lighthouse passport stamping locations throughout the world. Often these locations are not at the lighthouse itself but may be in a nearby location.


Ponce de León allows ratings

by:  The Conquistadors 

This category documents the locations that celebrate the life and achievements of Spanish Conquistador, Juan Ponce de León (1460 – 1521) who was instrumental in the discovery, mapping and colonizing of southern portions of the United States of America, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Hispaniola.


Vasco da Gama allows ratings

by:  Vasco da Gama Managers 

Find a monument or a physical reference to the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama.


Metal Detecting allows ratings

by:  Metal Detecting Managers 

Treasure awaits those armed with a metal detector. Help us gather up all the potential metal detecting sites around the world! If you run out of coin's or artefact listing you can make a new Waymark of that site, to log all your find's.


Whispering Galleries

by:  Whispering Among Friends 

Whispering Galleries are areas in which the ambient architecture is able to broadcast weak sounds relatively great distances and can be heard. These Whispering Galleries can be an acoustical anomaly found in a domed rotunda or arch or they can be deliberately constructed within a science museum.


Improved Order of Red Men

by:  Red Men 

America's oldest fraternal organization, chartered by Congress. The fraternity traces its origins back to 1765 and is descended from the Sons of Liberty.


Korean Historic Sites

by:  Land of the Morning Calm 

Officially designated Korean Historical Sites, Treasures, National Treasures, and Monuments both national, provincial, and municipal.

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