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Spring Houses Managers
Description: This group manages the Spring Houses category.
Date Created: 06/15/2006
Category Managed: Spring Houses
Members: 19
Springfield, Earth
Description: Based on the hit Fox animated series The Simpsons, who live in Springfield USA, the goal of this category is to Waymark all of the Towns, Cities, Villages, Hamlets, etc., named SPRINGFIELD from every corner of the world. The requirements...
Date Created: 08/22/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Description: Our Group's mission is to waypoint everything and anything in Colorado Springs and surrounding area!!
Date Created: 06/18/2006
Category Managed: Steakhouses
Members: 24
Staba in Japan
Date Created: 07/22/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Stained Glass Windows
Description: To document the glorious stained glass windows around the world and the stories behind them and their artists. These windows must be actual permanent, intact windows in any type of building (churches, homes, buildings, etc.) Stained glass sun catchers and...
Date Created: 07/24/2007
Category Managed: Stained Glass Windows
Members: 34
Stairways Runners
Description: To find and waymark big outdoor stairways.
Date Created: 05/26/2009
Category Managed: Outdoor Stairways
Members: 11
Starbucks Managers
Description: To find and waymark Starbucks Restaurants throughout North America, so that wherever you go, you always know where the nearest starbucks is.
Date Created: 02/07/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
Starbucks Cofee in Japan
Description: Since first Starbucks Coffee in Japan was opened in August 1996, it is now one of the most popular Coffee shop in Japan. You may not know how many of them are now in Japan, but if you see the receipt, you can find what number is the shop you are in. So,...
Date Created: 07/22/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Starbucks Coffee Group
Description: A group devoted to waymarking Starbucks coffee establishments all over the planet.
Date Created: 09/26/2006
Category Managed: Starbucks Stores
Members: 56
Starbucks in Japan
Description: Since first Starbucks Coffee in Japan was opened in August 1996, it is now one of the most popular Coffee shop in Japan. You may not know how many of them are now in Japan, but if you see the receipt, you can find what number is the shop you are in. So,...
Date Created: 07/22/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Starbucks, Japan
Description: Since first Starbucks Coffee in Japan was opened in August 1996, it is now one of the most popular Coffee shop in Japan. You may not know how many of them are now in Japan, but if you see the receipt, you can find what number is the shop you are in. So,...
Date Created: 07/22/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Starving Artists
Description: The category concept is a Waymarking Game that will allow posters and visitors to hand-draw locations, instead of photograph them. No need to be Monet. Note that the use of software as a medium is fine, but not by using software to modify an actual...
Date Created: 02/12/2009
Category Managed: Drawing Waymarks
Members: 18
State - County Fair Managers
Description: To manage a State and/or County Fair Category (yet to be submitted) for the various State and County Fairs across the country and beyond.
Date Created: 08/16/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
State Historic Sites
Description:  Take a trip back in time and learn something as you visit these historic sites. From landmarks to works of art there is something to see and learn in all of these great places. Whether they are Forts & Trails, Native American historic...
Date Created: 05/15/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 9
State Historical Parks
Description: A group to waymark local government and state historical parks/sites.
Date Created: 06/25/2009
Category Managed: State and local historical Parks/Sites
Members: 17
State Recreation
Description: To compile a list of state / provincial recreation areas around the world. I have seen categories for municipal parks and national parks, but the state parks seem to have been left out.
Date Created: 03/31/2007
Category Managed: State/Provincial Parks
Members: 24
Static Aircraft Displays
Description: This category is for aircraft of the world, both civilian and military, that are on permanent display at airports, in parks, at museums, and many other places. The purpose of this category is not only to find these aircraft but to also try...
Date Created: 04/08/2006
Category Managed: Static Aircraft Displays
Members: 46
Static Artillery Displays
Description: The group's mission is to locate, identify, and record static artillery displays. Static displays are decomissioned artillery pieces on permanent display. Acceptable artillery pieces include howitzers, mortars, and cannons, rifled or smoothbore. The bores...
Date Created: 07/26/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Description: The idea of this Category is to "Waymark" all signs for any location that describe the number of people/citizens populating a particular City or Community. Most towns have the population marked on their welcome to ... signs. This Category...
Date Created: 07/18/2007
Category Managed: Population Signs
Members: 15
Statues for the Living
Description: There are plenty of statues for old dead guys. They are everywhere. The purpose of this group is to seek and to highlight statues of people that are STILL ALIVE at the time that the waymark is made.
Date Created: 05/10/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 7
Stavanger Stamme
Description: Promoting Waymarking in Stavanger, Norway, with special emphasis on the Broken Column.
Date Created: 07/09/2008
Category Managed: Uniform Multi-Element Sculptures
Members: 8
Description: To manage the Steak 'n Shake Category. If there is an error in a Waymark posted in this category, please notify one of the officers and we will gladly take care of it. Welcome to our group!
Date Created: 08/17/2011
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: To alow people to share in what I think is awsome.
Date Created: 09/18/2009
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Stewarts Shops
Description: A group effort to catalog all Stewarts Shops in New York and Vermont. Try to get ice cream or gas in the picture for bonus points.
Date Created: 03/26/2009
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Still Life with Woodpecker
Description: A category to waymark sculptures of objects.
Date Created: 08/30/2007
Category Managed: Realistic Object Sculptures
Members: 31
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